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Superdrol (Methasterone)


Superdrol 10mg x 100 – MethylDrostanolone – 10mg/tab

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Introduction to Methasterone

Methasterone, or Superdrol or Methyldrostanolone, is an anabolic steroid renowned for its potent muscle-building capabilities. Initially developed as an oral anabolic agent, Methasterone quickly gained popularity in the bodybuilding community due to its effectiveness in promoting significant gains in lean muscle mass and strength. Unlike many anabolic steroids, Methasterone is known for delivering rapid results without causing excessive water retention, making it a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders aiming for a lean, muscular physique.

Methasterone Life Cycle Details

Raw Material Methyldrostanolone
Package Methasterone 10 mg
Active Half-Life 8-12 hours
Classification Anabolic Steroid
Dosage 10-20 mg daily
Acne Yes
Water Retention No
Hepatotoxicity Yes
Aromatization No
Purity 99%


Why You Should Choose Methasterone

Methasterone is particularly valued for its ability to deliver substantial muscle gains quickly. Unlike some other anabolic steroids, it does not convert to estrogen, meaning users can avoid issues like gynecomastia (the development of breast tissue in men) and excessive water retention. This makes it an excellent choice for those seeking to build lean muscle mass with a more defined appearance. Additionally, its relatively short half-life allows for quick dosage and cycle length adjustments, providing more control over the effects.

Key Advantages of Methasterone

  • Rapid Muscle Gains: It is known for producing significant increases in muscle mass and strength within a short period.
  • No Water Retention: Unlike many other anabolic agents, It does not cause water retention, ensuring lean and well-defined muscle gains.
  • No Aromatization: It does not convert to estrogen, reducing the risk of estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia.
  • Improved Muscle Hardness: Users often report enhanced muscle hardness and vascularity, contributing to a more chiseled and aesthetic physique.
  • Short Half-Life: Methasterone’s short half-life allows for more precise control over its effects, enabling users to tailor their cycles to their specific goals.

Working of Methasterone

Methasterone binds to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, similar to other anabolic steroids. This binding triggers an increase in protein synthesis, leading to the growth and repair of muscle fibers. Unlike some other steroids, Methasterone does not convert to estrogen, which helps users avoid water retention and estrogen-related side effects. Instead, it focuses on promoting lean muscle gains and enhancing muscle hardness. However, it is essential to note that Methasterone is hepatotoxic, meaning it can be harmful to the liver. This makes it crucial to monitor liver health during a cycle and to use liver support supplements as needed.

How to Use Methasterone

  1. Dosage: A typical dosage for superdrol ranges from 10-20 mg daily, depending on the user’s experience and goals.
  2. Cycle Length: The cycle length for superdrol typically ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. Due to its hepatotoxic nature, longer cycles are not recommended.
  3. Liver Support: Given its potential impact on liver health, liver support supplements should be used throughout the cycle.
  4. Post-cycle therapy (PCT): After completing a Methyldrostanolone cycle, a PCT is essential to restore natural hormone levels and mitigate any potential side effects.
  5. Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a Methasterone cycle to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your needs.

Our Commitment to Customer Experience

Pharmaqo is dedicated to delivering high-quality products that meet our customers’ needs. Our product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity and potency, providing a trustworthy product. We prioritize safety and efficacy in all our offerings, ensuring our customers receive the best possible experience.

Trusted & Reliable Brand

Pharmaqo has established itself as a trusted brand in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. Our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction has earned us a strong reputation worldwide. We offer compelling products at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Learn More

For more detailed information about Methasterone, its benefits, and its potential risks, visit Methasterone on Wikipedia to explore its history, usage, and scientific research.


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